Github Blog with Hugo


Create a blog in github using Hugo.


You need go installed

1brew install go
3$go version
4go version go1.14.6 darwin/amd64

Install Hugo

1brew install hugo

Create Site

Create the site

1hugo new site myblog
2cd myblog
3git init .
4git add .
5git commit -am "Base Commit"


Add clarity theme, this will also bring sample templates, that you can delete/modify

1hugo mod init myblog
2wget -O - | tar xz && cp -a hugo-clarity-master/exampleSite/* . && rm -rf hugo-clarity-master && rm -f config.toml
3git add .
4git commit -am "Theme Commit"

In the file config/_default/config.toml

Change the theme from 'theme = "hugo-clarity"' to 'theme = [""]'

Start the hugo server locally

1hugo server

Theme update

To update the clarity theme to take any latest changes to themes. Need not be done frequently.

1hugo mod clean
2hugo mod get -u

Hugo Module update

If you want to update all the hugo modules to use the latest version. Need not be done frequently.

1hugo mod clean
2hugo mod get -u ./...

Page Bundles

We will use page bundles feature where the images and post reside in same folder as its easier to manage. To enable this add this to params.toml

1usePageBundles = true


Enable robots.txt in config.toml for google crawler to skip certain files, be sure to put this at the beginning of the file

1enableRobotsTXT = true

If you want you can add additional files by creating a robots.txt file under layouts

 1User-agent: *
 3Disallow: /css/
 4Disallow: /en/
 5Disallow: /docs/
 6Disallow: /fonts/
 7Disallow: /js/
 8Disallow: /tags/
 9Disallow: /icons/
10Disallow: /images/
11Disallow: /showcase/
12Disallow: /categories/
13Disallow: /search/

Disqus comments

Add disqus username to config.toml to allow comments on the blog

1disqusShortname = "myusername"

To modify the menu edit the menu.en.toml file


If you want additional folder modify the mainSections and add other folder names

1mainSections = ["post"]


Images can be added like


Table of Contents

To add table of contents add the following in each posts .md file

1toc: true


To post notices use the following code

{{% notice note "Note Title" %}} This will be the content of the note. {{% /notice %}}

Embed Raw Github file

Create a file called ghcode.html under layouts/shortcodes

 1{{ $file := .Get 0 }}
 2{{ with resources.GetRemote $file }}
 3  {{ with .Err }}
 4    {{ errorf "%s" . }}
 5  {{ else }}
 6    {{ $lang := path.Ext $file | strings.TrimPrefix "." }}
 7    {{ highlight .Content $lang }}
 8  {{ end }}
 9{{ else }}
10  {{ errorf "Unable to get remote resource." }}
11{{ end }}

To use the tag in the post

{{< ghcode "" >}

Embed Raw Markdown file

Create a file called markcode.html under layouts/shortcodes

 1{{ $file := .Get 0 }}
 2{{ with resources.GetRemote $file }}
 3    {{ with .Err }}
 4        {{ errorf "%s" . }}
 5    {{ else }}
 6        {{ .Content | $.Page.RenderString }}
 7    {{ end }}
 8{{ else }}
 9    {{ errorf "Unable to get remote resource." }}
10{{ end }}

To use the tag in the post

{{< markcode "" >}}


Hugo generates a sitemap.xml that contains tags, categories and other taxonomies. To exclude them from Google search indexing, create a sitemap.xml under layouts.

 1{{ printf "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>" | safeHTML }}
 2<urlset xmlns=""
 3        xmlns:xhtml="">
 4    {{ $exclude := slice "tags" "categories" }}
 5    {{ range .Pages }}
 6    {{ if not (in $exclude .Data.Plural) }}
 7    <url>
 8        <loc>{{ .Permalink }}</loc>{{ if not .Lastmod.IsZero }}
 9        <lastmod>{{ safeHTML ( .Lastmod.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00" ) }}</lastmod>{{ end }}{{ with .Sitemap.ChangeFreq }}
10        <changefreq>{{ . }}</changefreq>{{ end }}{{ if ge .Sitemap.Priority 0.0 }}
11        <priority>{{ .Sitemap.Priority }}</priority>{{ end }}{{ if .IsTranslated }}{{ range .Translations }}
12        <xhtml:link
13                rel="alternate"
14                hreflang="{{ .Language.Lang }}"
15                href="{{ .Permalink }}"
16        />{{ end }}
17        <xhtml:link
18                rel="alternate"
19                hreflang="{{ .Language.Lang }}"
20                href="{{ .Permalink }}"
21        />{{ end }}
22    </url>
23    {{ end }}
24    {{ end }}

Start Blog

Run the server

1hugo server


Create a Github repository, It should be of the exact format <GITHUB-USERNAME>

We will create 2 branches in this repository where one branch will store the markdown content and other branch will store the live html site.

Update the base url in config.toml

1baseurl = "https://<GITHUB-USERNAME>"

Blog Commit

1git remote add origin<GITHUB-USERNAME>/<GITHUB-USERNAME>
2git branch -M blog
3git push -u origin blog

Now your markdown files will be present on github under the branch blog.

Github Actions

To automatically deploy the site on each commit, first create the github token under the repository

You need to generate a token if you dont have one already


The token must not be shared with anyone or uploaded in any static file or html.

Create a new workflow action and commit

Use the below yaml

 1name: CI
 4  push:
 5    branches:
 6      - blog
 7  pull_request:
10  deploy:
11    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
12    steps:
13      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
14        with:
15          submodules: true  # Fetch Hugo themes (true OR recursive)
16          fetch-depth: 0    # Fetch all history for .GitInfo and .Lastmod
18      - name: Setup Hugo
19        uses: peaceiris/actions-hugo@v2
20        with:
21          hugo-version: 'latest'
22          extended: true
24      - name: Build
25        run: hugo --minify
27      - name: Deploy
28        uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
29        if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/blog'
30        with:
31          github_token: ${{ secrets.TOKEN }}
32          publish_dir: ./public

By default the actions generate the live site in gh-pages branch, so goto github pages and change the branch to gh-pages and save.

Now when you commit and push and changes to the blog branch, github actions automatically builds your site and deploys it.

Legacy Deploy

If you don't want use github actions to deploy the site then you can generate the site and publish it manually

Add a github submodule for the public folder

1git submodule add -b gh-pages<GITHUB-USERNAME>/<GITHUB-USERNAME> public

Generate the site in the public folder


Add public to .gitignore file so that public folder is not committed to the blog repo.

Commit blog content (Markdown files) to the blog branch, double check to make sure public folder and its files are not part of this commit.

2git status
3git add .
4git commit -am "blog update"
5git push origin blog

Commit & push site (HTML files) to the gh-pages branch

1cd <GITHUB-USERNAME>/public
2git add .
3git commit -am "Live HTML"
4git push origin gh-pages

You should now be seeing the public html files in your repostiory in the gh-pages branch.

Open url and your blog should be up.

Google Analytics

Modify the params.toml and add your google analytics tracking id.

1ga_analytics = "<YOUR_VALUE>"

This will help you track your website traffic

Google Search Indexing

Google search will not include your blog.

To get your site to show up in google search ensure there is a sitemap.xml.

Login to google search console and add your blog

Copy the hmtl file to static folder for site verification

It will take an hour for the site to be indexed and show up on search results.


Learn markdown syntax


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